Brannon King, the Founder and President of River Tree, comes from a long line of insurance professionals. His great grandfather first started in the insurance business in 1925. From there, his grandfather and mother both went into the same profession with the intent of helping friends and neighbors. Those values and principles are what led Brannon into the same business. In 2009, Brannon started River Tree from the ground up with the goal of serving God through serving others. A lot has changed in the insurance business since 1925, but our values have not. At River Tree, you’re not just a client, you’re a part of our family.
The big guys brag about how much money people save that switch to them, but how many people actually switch to them? Our independent status enables us to not only find you the best possible value by quoting your coverages with several carriers, but we are also able to tailor coverage to meet your specific needs.
Strength & Stability vs. Saving Time
If you decided to go skydiving, would you want your instructor to tell you how much time he could save you in your lesson so you could get on the plane? Well, some insurance companies treat your well-being and livelihood the same way. At River Tree, while we don’t want to waste your time, we also don’t want to short change you. We take time with each and every client to ensure your needs are properly addressed and your coverage is tailored specifically for your needs.
Asset Protection vs. Commodity Pricing
At River Tree, we view your insurance coverage as an asset instead of a commodity that goes to the lowest bidder. While value and price are of paramount importance to us, we don’t want to sell you cheap insurance. We want to sell you valuable insurance. If you try to save 15% in 15 minutes, you might be found wanting when you need your big insurance company in the event of a claim.
Local Independent Brokers vs. Big Insurance
The word agent is defined as a person who acts on behalf of another person or group. A broker is defined a person who functions as an intermediary between two or more parties in negotiating agreements, bargains, or the like. Who do you want acting on your behalf, an agent of a large corporation or a real human being that lives down the road from you and can negotiate terms that are best for you? Why should you choose some local guy instead of one of the big name companies? For exactly that reason…we’re local.
The name “River Tree” comes from Jeremiah 17:7-8: “But blessed are those who trust in the LORD and have made the LORD their hope and confidence. They are like trees planted along a riverbank, with roots that reach deep into the water. Such trees are not bothered by the heat or worried by long months of drought. Their leaves stay green, and they never stop producing fruit.”